Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us again this week I had John Harris come and see me really struggling to strike his irons and I thought I'd do something a little bit different for you this week I thought I'd actually show you a before and after image so what we're doing is I'm going to show you a video of exactly what he was doing he was generally catching the ground behind the golf ball he was catching things sometimes losing like a distance he had this very weak impact position but by the end of the session we delimited it and I'm going to show you exactly what we did because I know it could potentially help you strike your irons so so much better before we do of course if you're new to channel and this is one of your first videos consider subscribing I released content like this every single week to try and help you improve your game so what were we doing what was John doing so John came to see me and he just said he was just too inconsistent the ball strike was sitting consistent sometimes you strike the ground behind sometimes he was in it but it was certainly wasn't in this fight as he know he could do his six foot one so he should have been hit a lot further now what as you'll see from the video what John was actually doing is is when he comes into impact here he was actually coming in and you'll see the impact position is coming in it's almost like a flicking action here where the left wrist here leader it is bending the elbow starts to come out here and you can see here it's not good for the body it's certainly not good it's not a strong position and that was causing loss the problems the question is what did he need to do to get rid of it and what do we do so once you show you fit also from this angle before we do so when he was hitting the golf shot what was tending to happen was this between bad backs it was pretty good a little bit around the corner but not too bad and as he came into impact here what would happen was this he bring the club into what I like to call the dead zone he bring it from here the club head starts to work too much it's too straight towards the golf ball and this is getting the elbow coming out what we needed to do when you bring into into this area here you want to bring the club around the corner so we need to come up with something that would help him to get some rotation because this bending elbow here was all caused because he wasn't naturally rotating through and that's one of the main reasons why wasn't actually striking it so here's what we did we get a very very straightforward drill to rapidly improve his ball striking and all we did was s get yourself set up with Lee down on the golf club and all we do get yourself set up here and all I want to do from here is this rotate to here we're going to reverse-engineer the follow-through so we're going to get to position where you need to get to I mean reverse-engineer it so I'm going to rotate your left down here so the toes point to the sky the back you'll have your lead hand is pointing this way that way and then what we're going to do this we're going to then reach out with the right so it's a little bit of a stretch hold that there for a few seconds feel what it's like come back and then repeat that process with both hands hold up there for a second feel what it's like come back and then actually go and hit a golf shot just returning to that position no no it's this I'm not paying it really hard I'm trying to hold on so I try to relate to the feeling I had earlier I'm holding that shape there nice and simple now what we did with this is we did go really really slowly with it rehearse it build a system for the driving range initially where all you're going to do each shot is you're going to rehearse that motion you're going to get yourself set here you're going to simply rotate here so the back of the lead hand is now pointing that way the toast to the sky and from here we're gonna reach out with the rights a little bit of a stretch hold up there feel what it's supposed to be like and then go back rehearse it again hold it does that feel the same yes it does fantastic then very slowly come back nice more serene again back and through I've gone a little bit too far there really I would like to finish a little bit shorter momentum got the better of me but that will then educate that the follow-through position now from here what we said is why is this working well because what John was doing was there was no rotation natural rotation he's been wanting to try been seeing some of the videos if he desperate try and get a ball to have contact he'd been desperate to try and get compression on the golf ball and he was trying really hard but compression is a natural by prett of this move if you reverse engineer the move you will get compression so watch this when I turn through here as I turn through my bodies naturally over the top of the golf ball this is what's going to create compression is ball turf contact so as they rotate it's just a natural byproduct of that move it's as simple as that okay now when I show you here is this have a look at the difference now of what John was doing when he's died to hit his shots now have a look at the difference in his follow-through you'd they're very small swings we've probably hitting about 60% of his normal distance initially but a much much better improvement in terms of the impact position going through the question is and what he asked at the same time he said well how do I know and extend this to basically hit it further well I said look don't be in a rush to start off if you need to add you kick the mosses you need to educate the body as to what this putt is supposed to feel like yeah so don't rush this once you do all you then do something right okay start to increase the speed of it so what you're going to do now is this you ain't gonna work to the same position and increase the speed if anyone can seen which of them Tommy Fleetwood you'll notice he has a curtailed follow-through I'm almost certain he was working on a drill that he loved so much that he just simply speeded up that drill and ended up in this position this is a kind of thing but in a smaller and a smaller way so we're gonna simply work into that rotate position here feel what it's like and then simply start to speed up the motion by hitting it a little bit harder okay one after another now take your time with looking the X question the Astra's is how does it's then spread to drive or how can we work with this with driver well let me show you let's have a look so we driver basically you do something similar but is different right so the intention with driver is slightly different with a time with an eye we're naturally going down on the golf ball as we come come through here hence the arm here is rotating and finishing in this position with a driver what we're gonna do we want to smack it up in the sky so what we do different is this get the ball positioned further forward in their stance we're gonna get ourselves slightly behind the golf ball here and then when we do the exercise rather than finish there which will lead to much too much of a downward strike we're gonna now this we're going to finish where the left arm or lead arm higher rotate it up this way and up into the sky limit white because that where we're hitting this club is where upwards we're not going there we're going this we're reverse engineering the process you know where you need to get to your swing is then going to flow more naturally into that position so we said right ok let's do the same drill so we're going to get the left down we've got a body in position here back rotate up into the sky here my knuckles are facing down a little bit the toe the club nose turned slightly more down towards the ground now we're going to do is going to reach and stretch through what that's like same again rotate hold that position up there and all I'm going to do trying to now is basically go into that position nice and small again back there we go just holding up position learning to get the feel that he's all we did it was super super simple and as you can see from the videos it was made with base in an hour we made a dramatic difference to his impact and the ability of him to strike a golf ball so let's summarize what have we done we basically have said look if you want to get a better ball strike one things which is very common people starting to hire behind the golf ball are they're filling it they generally swinging into the I call here the dead zone here there's no natural rotation so they come into this position here their body stands up you get chicken wings you get early extension you get flicky strikes what we need is a rotation through the impact area question is how do you educate your body to get that rotation well nice and simple with an iron the ball is going further back and you can simply in a rotate to here then get the sensation we reach for it with your right hand hold it for a few seconds learn what it feels like I can feel a lot of pressure going down in my left side I'm over the top of the ball least a compression yeah go back rotate that position hold that feeling and feel what it's like then go and hit the golf ball yep keep it small don't be in a rush yet yet be patient with this driver time we want to tension our drivers not to hit it that way to hit it up in the air we won't carry so we're going to move our position higher with the lead hand now we're going to rotate it again but we're gonna rotate it up into a top corner here with the knuckles pointing down a little bit face is a little bit more closed and then what we're going to do is going to reach up there and hold that feel what it's like then we're gonna rehearse it again again educating the bodies are all important then we're going to get in position and then nice and small again we're going to hit that shot and as you can see from the videos we've done it worked an absolute treat so I really hope it helps you it's a really good one this week if you do and you enjoy the content you want to see it in books every single week don't forget special scribe Blount and the Bell and of course if you know some of your friends who are struggling with striking their ions and maybe want to launch a few more drivers please share the video it really really helps until next week have a great golfing week